Request Tracker

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Note: RT is now deployed as a Kubernetes service running in Docker, so these instructions aren't super useful for OCF staff. This page is kept as a reference for others who might come across it (it ranks pretty highly on Google). If you're one of these people, you might find one of these useful:

  • Our Puppet code for installing RT. We don't actually use this anymore, but it should be reasonably modern and worked well for us for a long time.
  • Our Dockerized RT service. We run this on Kubernetes, but you should easily be able to get it running on something like Mesos/Marathon or Docker Swarm, too.


Both Apache 2 and Nginx installation are listed below. Pick your poison...

  1. Install required packages:

    sudo aptitude install mysql-server
    sudo aptitude install -t squeeze-backports request-tracker4 rt4-db-mysql

    For Apache 2: Install

    sudo install libapache-mod-auth-kerb
    sudo install -t squeeze-backports rt4-apache

    For Nginx: Install

    sudo install -t squeeze-backports nginx rt4-fcgi

    and enable the RT FastCGI daemon: in /etc/default/rt4-fcgi, edit:


    Debian packages an obscenely old version of Nginx in stable, so please don't install that. People will laugh at you.

    Configuration by debconf:

    • Name:
    • Handle permissions: yes
    • SQL password: ....

    Install RT::Extension::CommandByMail and RT::Extension::MergeUsers:

    sudo cpan
    cpan> install RT::Extension::CommandByMail
    cpan> notest install RT::Extension::MergeUsers

    When prompted, the RT lib folder is located at /usr/share/request-tracker4/lib.

  2. Copy site-specific RT configuration into /etc/request-tracker4/RT_SiteConfig.d/99-ocf: (this should be puppeted)

    # Debug - commented out for now
    #Set($LogToSTDERR, "debug");
    #Set($LogToSyslog, "debug");
    Set($WebDomain, '');
    Set($WebBaseURL , "");
    Set($WebPort, 443);
    # Use external authentication provided by mod_auth_kerb
    Set($WebExternalAuth , 1);
    Set($WebFallbackToInternalAuth, 1);
    # tells RT to create users automatically if no user matching REMOTE_USER is found
    Set($WebExternalAuto, 1);
    Set($WebExternalGecos, undef);
    # Plugins
    Set(@MailPlugins, qw(Auth::MailFrom Filter::TakeAction));
    Set(@Plugins,(qw(RT::Extension::CommandByMail RT::Extension::MergeUsers)));
    # Make links clicky
    Set(@Active_MakeClicky, qw(httpurl_overwrite));
    # Non-fail To addresses
    Set($UseFriendlyToLine, 1);
    # Enable fulltext
    Set( %FullTextSearch,
        Enable     => 1,
        Indexed    => 1,
        Table      => 'AttachmentsIndex',
        MaxMatches => '10000',
    # Use plain text instead of HTML email
    Set($MessageBoxRichText, undef);
    Set($PreferRichText, undef);

    Regenerate the resultant file:

    sudo update-rt-siteconfig
  3. Ensure that SSL certificates for exist at the following locations:

    • Certificate: /etc/ssl/private/rt_ocf_berkeley_edu.crt
    • Certificate chain/bundle: /etc/ssl/private/incommon.crt
    • Private key: /etc/ssl/private/rt_ocf_berkeley_edu.key

    Nginx only: Create a "chained" certificate file:

    cat rt_ocf_berkeley_edu.crt incommon.crt > rt_ocf_berkeley_edu.chained.crt
  4. For Apache 2: Copy the following RT configuration file rt into /etc/apache2/sites-available and link to it from /etc/apache2/sites-enabled (replace with the FQDN reported by hostname -f):

    # Apache configuration file for RT
            RewriteEngine On
            RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L]
            SSLEngine on
            SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/private/rt_ocf_berkeley_edu.crt
            SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/ssl/private/incommon.crt
            SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/private/rt_ocf_berkeley_edu.key
            Alias /rt /usr/share/request-tracker4/html
            RedirectMatch ^/$ /rt
                    SetHandler modperl
                    PerlResponseHandler Plack::Handler::Apache2
                    PerlSetVar psgi_app /usr/share/request-tracker4/libexec/rt-server
                    # Comment this to enable RT-local root
                    AuthType Kerberos
                    Require valid-user
                    KrbMethodNegotiate On
                    KrbMethodK5Passwd On
                    KrbLocalUserMapping On
                    KrbServiceName HTTP/
                    Krb5KeyTab /etc/apache2/sites-available/rt.keytab
                    # No Kerberos - for rt-mailgate
                    Satisfy Any
                    Order Allow,Deny
                    Allow from #
                    # No Kerberos - login/logout pages
                    Satisfy Any
                    Order Allow,Deny
                    Allow from All
                    use Plack::Handler::Apache2;

    For Nginx: Copy the following RT configuration file rt into /etc/nginx/sites-available and link to it from /etc/nginx/sites-enabled:

    # Configuration for RT on Nginx
    server {
            listen 80;
            rewrite ^ https://$server_name$request_uri? permanent;
    server {
            listen 443;
            rewrite ^/$ /rt;
            root /usr/share/request-tracker4;
            location /rt {
                    # See /usr/share/doc/rt4-fcgi/examples/request-tracker4.conf
                    expires epoch;
                    # Require the default authentication on typhoon (pam_krb5)
                    auth_pam "RT";
                    auth_pam_service_name "common-password";
                    # Proxy over to rt4.
                    fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/rt4-fcgi.sock;
                    include /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params;
                    fastcgi_param REMOTE_USER $remote_user;
                    fastcgi_param SCRIPT_NAME "/rt";
            # Bypass FastCGI for images
            location /rt/NoAuth/images {
                    alias           /usr/share/request-tracker4/html/NoAuth/images/;
            location /rt/REST/1.0/NoAuth {
                    allow ; #
                    deny            all;
                    fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/rt4-fcgi.sock;
                    include /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params;
                    fastcgi_param REMOTE_USER $remote_user;
                    fastcgi_param SCRIPT_NAME "/rt";
            ssl on;
            # Same as apache
            ssl_certificate /etc/ssl/private/rt_ocf_berkeley_edu.chained.crt;
            ssl_certificate_key /etc/ssl/private/rt_ocf_berkeley_edu.key;
            ssl_session_timeout 5m;
            ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:10m;
            ssl_protocols SSLv3 TLSv1;
            ssl_ciphers ALL:!ADH:!EXPORT56:RC4+RSA:+HIGH:+MEDIUM:+LOW:+SSLv3:+EXP;
            ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;
  5. Apache 2 only: Obtain a keytab for the principal HTTP/ (replace with the FQDN reported by hostname -f) and place it into /etc/apache2/sites-available/rt.keytab. Make sure it's only readable by www-data.
  6. mod_auth_kerb/ngx_http_auth_pam uses HTTP Basic authorization which has no concept of login/logout. Emulate logout behavior by changing the Logout page to send a 401 (works for Chrome), run proprietary IE code (works for IE), and make an Ajax call to a non-existing page with bad credentials (works for Firefox).

    The below code has been "adapted" from

    This should be fixed so that RT's installation files aren't being directly modified.

    Edit /usr/share/request-tracker4/html/NoAuth/Logout.html:


    <& /Elements/Header, Title => loc('Logout'), Refresh => RT->Config->Get('LogoutRefresh') &>


    <& /Elements/Header, Title => loc('Logout') &>

    and paste the following below it:

    <script type="text/javascript">
    function clearAuthenticationCache() {
      try {
        var agent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
        if (agent.indexOf("msie") != -1) {
          // This works only on IE only.
        else {
          var xml = createXMLObject();
          // Let's prepare invalid credentials
"GET", Math.random().toString(), true, "logout", "logout");
      } catch (e) {
    function createXMLObject() {
      try {
        if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
          xml = new XMLHttpRequest();
        else if (window.ActiveXObject) {
          xml = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
      } catch (e) {
        xml = false
      return xml;

    Add the following before the end of the <%INIT> block at the end of the file:

    # "Force" logout due to using mod_auth_kerb -- Chrome

    Clear the RT Mason cache.

    sudo rm -rf /var/cache/request-tracker4/*
  7. For Apache 2: Restart Apache.

    For Nginx: Restart the RT FastCGI daemon.

    sudo service rt4-fcgi restart
  8. Install the RT mailgate program on the mail server.

    squeeze-backports is required here too.

    sudo aptitude install rt4-clients
  9. Set up to feed mail into rt-mailgate.

    Add or edit the following lines into /var/mail/aliases/aliases:

    rt: "|/usr/bin/rt-mailgate --queue General --action correspond --url"
    rt-comment: "|/usr/bin/rt-mailgate --queue General --action comment --url"


  1. The RT root user can't log in while Kerberos password authentication is enabled because of the way mod_auth_kerb/ngx_http_auth_pam works. So, you must first log in with Kerberos credentials to create a user from Kerberos and grant superuser rights on it.

    Log in to RT. You will be auto-created and redirected to Self-Service. Disable Kerberos password authentication:

    Apache 2: Comment out the following lines in /etc/apache2/sites-available/rt:

    # AuthType Kerberos
    # Require valid-user

    and force-reload Apache configuration (service apache2 force-reload).

    Nginx: Comment out the following lines in /etc/nginx/sites-available/rt:

    # auth_pam "RT";
    # auth_pam_service_name "common-password";

    and restart Nginx (service nginx restart).

  2. Visit RT again and log in as RT root.

    Go to Tools > Configuration > Users > Select, and type in your username in "Go to user". Enable Let this user be granted rights (Privileged).

    Go to Tools > Configuration > Global > User Rights. On the left side, in Add User, type your name. Then, on the right side, click the tab Rights for Administrators, and enable Do anything and everything.

    Save changes.

    You will want to remove your superuser powers later because superusers may be artificially limited in rights elsewhere on RT for your own protection: "Starting from version 3.2 (or 3.4?) RT doesn't show users with the SuperUser right in a ticket owner select-box."

    Re-enable Kerberos password authentication in Apache configuration and force-reload Apache.

  3. Create groups. I've created root and staff groups; this configuration may change as our use of RT is refined.

    Go to Tools > Configuration > Groups > Create and create "Root" and "Staff" groups.

    Add users to these groups by the Members subsection in the upper right corner of the group modification page. (You can also alter a user's group memberships from the user's modification page.)

    In this configuration I see the set of RT privileged users to be the same as the set of users in group "Staff". This may change.

  4. Enable user rights. This guide is being followed.

    Go to Tools > Configuration > Global > Group Rights.

    Save your changes each time you make changes to a group's rights.

    Make sure the selected group is Everyone.

    Select the following rights:

    • Comment on tickets
    • Create tickets
    • Reply to tickets
    • View queue
    • View ticket summaries

    Now add a group to add permissions to, from the bottom left: Add Group

    Add these rights to "Staff", in the "Rights for Staff" tab:

    • Delete tickets
    • Modify one's own RT account
    • Modify tickets
    • Own tickets
    • Steal tickets
    • Take tickets
    • View private ticket commentary

    Add these rights to "Root", in the "Rights for Administrators" tab:

    • Everything except "Do anything and everything"
  5. Miscellaneous configuration

    Change RT root's info so he can be a front for staff@. (Tools > Configuration > Users > Select, click root, change email to and Real Name to OCF Staff).

    Make the General queue sound better: Tools > Configuration > Queues > Select, click General, change Description to "OCF Staff". (I think changing the Queue Name would be nice too. If you do that, remember to change the parameters to rt-mailgate in /var/mail/aliases/aliases and re-run newaliases on sandstorm.)

    Add root as a watcher for General so staff@ gets automatically Cc'ed to new tickets. Click Watchers in the upper right corner and add root.

  6. Send more mail.

    By default RT only sends an autoreply to the requestor on ticket creation. Create a new scrip (RT callback) so that Cc (staff@) gets notified on ticket creation as well.

    Create that which is to be mailed: go to Tools > Configuration > Global > Templates > Create.

    Create a template with the name "Correspondence Creation" and description "For mailing staff on ticket creation, but without all that boilerplate". Keep type as "Perl". Paste this in as the content:

    RT-Attach-Message: yes
    Subject: {$Ticket->Subject}

    Save changes.

    Modify the scrip "On Create Notify AdminCcs" to use the template "Global Template: Correspondence Creation".

  7. Send spoofed mail.

    Mail in the past has come from actual people, not endless drones of "via RT". Let's fake that for people who are uncomfortable with change. At the top of Correspondence, Admin Correspondence, Admin Comment, and Correspondence Creation templates, append the following below the last mail header that appears, if any exist:

    From: {
      my $u = $Transaction->CreatorObj;
      my $a = $u->EmailAddress;
      my $res = $u->RealName || $u->Name;
      $res .= " <".$a .">" ;
    $res; }
  8. Automatically close tickets.

    This needs to be chained or something to send a template saying that the ticket is closed because it hasn't been modified in 30 days. I don't know what this entails, but the below is a start.

    Put the following into a crontab; you may want to create a rt system user to run this.

    0 * * * * /usr/bin/rt-crontool --search RT::Search::FromSQL \
    --search-arg "LastUpdated < '5 days ago' AND Status = 'stalled'" \
    --action RT::Action::SetStatus --action-arg resolved

    References: 1 2 3


  • First-time autocreated users will have incorrect/embarrassing Real Names (for some reason, it grabs the gecos on occasion), so that should be fixed upon first login. Users can also update this information when they feel like it.

