ocf-tv: connect to the tv or modify the volume

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The usage of ocf-tv looks like:

ocf-tv [-h] [-H HOST] {connect,volume,mute,stop-tunnel,tunnel-audio}

If you provide no arguments to ocf-tv the default behavior is that it will start a VNC session to the TV. If you do not specify the host it will use the TV by default.

ocf-tv connect will open up a VNC window using xvncviewer to the host. The TV uses i3wm, a tiling window manager, so if you are unsure of how to use it read the linked documentation.

If you'd like to just change the volume on the host, you can use the volume or mute options to change the pulseaudio volume level. ocf-tv volume 50 sets the remote volume to 50% (acceptable values in [0,150]) and mute does what you might expect.

If you'd like to tunnel audio playing on your local desktop to the TV (for example, so you don't have to manipulate YouTube over VNC), you can start the tunnel via ocf-tv tunnel-audio from any desktop, and similarly, use ocf-tv stop-tunnel to close the tunnel and resume local-only playback.